California Drought Update for June 4, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert June 4, 2015 Taking his cue from Obama, who, speaking recently to the graduates of the Coast Guard Academy, declared “man-caused global warming a national security threat, Jerry and his Brownshirts began waterboarding the residents of California on June 1. That was the day…

California Drought Update for May 28, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert May 28, 2015 Give me your water, or I will take it! That was the message given to the farmers in the Delta last week, and why Delta farmers agreed to forego 25 percent of their allocated water this year, under the…

California Drought Update for May 22, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert May 21, 2015 For a Solution to the Water Crisis, Understand the Difference Between Man and Beast This week’s report begins with the question Jerry Brown will not consider. On May 18, on the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee discussion, Lyndon LaRouche addressed the water…

California Drought Update for May 14, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert May 14, 2015 This week’s Drought Update begins with an excerpt from a short report by Megham Rouillard of the LaRouche PAC Science Team, published on May 12, 2015, “Vernadsky & LaRouche: There are No Limits to Growth!” I urge you all…

California Drought Update for May 14, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert May 14, 2015 This week’s Drought Update begins with an excerpt from a short report by Megham Rouillard of the LaRouche PAC Science Team, published on May 12, 2015, “Vernadsky & LaRouche: There are No Limits to Growth!” I urge you all…

California Drought Update for May 7, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert May 7, 2015 Is anyone really using up the water? Is that why we have a shortage? Water does not get used up. There is just as much water on Earth today as there was a hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago….

California Drought Update for April 30, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert April 30, 2015 Here Is What Is Important to Understand About the Drought and the Water Crisis What follows are a few excerpts from the transcript of LaRouche PAC Science Team member Ben Deniston’s presentation to the weekly LaRouche PAC webcast of April 24,…

California Drought Update for April 23, 2015
California Drought Update for April 23, 2015

California Drought Update April 23, 2015 by Patrick Ruckert I urge readers to watch the seven minute video from LaRouche PAC, “Water for the Future,” a first in a series, which demonstrates that the water to solve California’s drought crisis IS there, it just needs to be developed. The “solutions”…

California Drought Update for April 16, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert April 16, 2015 For the most thorough and solution oriented development this week, see the April 17 issue of Executive Intelligence Review, which devotes an entire issue to “The Drought and The Presidency.” What is the real nature of Governor Brown’s policy? When…

California Drought Update for April 9, 2015

California Drought Update by Patrick Ruckert April 9, 2015   The Drought Intensifies This week’s U.S. Drought Monitor indicates the worst is yet to come. We began the year with 32 percent of the state in “Exceptional Drought,” the most extreme category of drought. Last week the monitor had 41…