Why Farm a Desert? By Erik Wilson My Job Depends on Ag August 5, 2015 Well….first let’s take a look back into the actual truth of what central valley looked like before a plow touched the soil. A famous explorer described this valley as being abundant in birds and geese…
LaRouche South Africa Leader: Join Me in Saying No to COP21 and Carbon Dioxide Reduction! Nov. 14 (EIRNS)–Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, leader of LaRouche South Africa, has issued the following statement on the upcoming genocidal COP21 conference on “global warming” in Paris: I, Ramasimong Tsokolibane, hereby fully endorse the Resolution being…
California Drought Update for October 29, 2015 http://amatterofmind.org/ca-drought-pdf/20151029%20California%20Drought%20Update.pdf
Click the link below or, copy and paste the link two lines below into URL of your browser. California Drought Update for October 15, 2015 http://amatterofmind.org/ca-drought-pdf/20151015%20California%20Drought%20Update.pdf
Copy and paste to your URL: http://amatterofmind.org/ca-drought-pdf/20151008%20California%20Drought%20Update.pdf