“In this state, this section of the United States, of course, the key is water. And unless we organize every drop to be of service to mankind, this state is going to stand still…” President John F. Kennedy, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 27, 1963 The state and… “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it… Other commitments this week require this report to be brief. As we approach January 20 and the inauguration of a new President, it appears that the outgoing President’s legacy will not last beyond that date. But, it must be emphasized that it is not just in the United States… There is no feature report this week, just some drought news and announcements by the state that, as usual, just piss people off. Yes, it rained a lot in October. In fact, so far this Fall, we have had more rain these first two months of the Water Year… Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Last week’s report featured one of the approaches required to think differently about how to produce more water: The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA). This week we feature a second method: Artificial ionization. A very interesting project now under study in China… The regional government of China’s Qinghai province is investigating a proposal to transfer significant volumes of water through the sky, calling this the “tianhe” or “Heavenly River.” This very interesting project represents the next stages of mankind’s management and development of the global water cycle, and points to a… President-elect Donald Trump has a big ego, so perhaps he would like to do some big things. This week we shall focus on one big thing Trump should do: Build the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA). NAWAPA, was the President John Kennedy era project proposed originally by… There shall be no mincing of words here. Had Hillary Clinton been elected the world would have been heading to World War III and Wall Street would continue to rampage over the American population. Instead this election became a vote for a fundamental change in the policies of our… Two foci and an afterthought make up the bulk of the report this week. First, of course, is the weather, the climate and the drought. Some of what the climatologists are saying will surprise you. The second topic is desalination, and we begin a fairly extensive coverage of it…