“Unleash to the greatest extent the huge potential of science and technology as the primary productive force … and development supported by science and technology and oriented towards the future, and speed up the pace of building an innovative country.” President Xi Jinping– June 9, 2014 A Note… What is crucial now, is that President Trump and the United States choose the offer of China, the Belt and Road Initiative, and let its paradigm of productive economic progress rub off a bit. Tax cuts, Wall Street deregulation have not and will not revive American growth from its… First it was Tony Blair’s “dodgy dossier” on Saddam Hussein’s WMD which unleashed the pathetic George W. Bush to turn the entire Mideast (with help from Obama) into a terrorist hell hole. Then came claims of Bashir Assad’s use of chemical weapons, tricking Trump into a missile attack on… …“significant transcontinental infrastructure is necessary to support the development, spur economic growth, and boost intraregional trade on the continent.” But that infrastructure—for example, urgently needed new electric power—is exactly what U.S. policy does not help with, and China’s does. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his trip to… Zepp-LaRouche identified the two trajectories that the world is facing. “One is a very optimistic one, regarding the potential of the Belt and Road Initiative to transform the world. The second one is that parts of the West are still suffering from what the Governor of Kentucky Matt Bevin…
Click on the link below for the full report: “However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the… The only solution is to go back to what Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933: implement Glass-Steagall, end the casino economy, and then go to a Hamiltonian banking system—call it what you want, you can call it the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or you can call it the German Kreditanstalt… Thus, President Trump is relatively well situated to meet the impending collapse of the financial bubble in the stock and bond markets. There is only one way to save the western economies from this inevitable break down — a process which has a precedent in the policies of Franklin… “I could go on for hours about … how things are so different now…. I have a call … directly with the White House about this project…. It’s astounding, absolutely astounding, to have that kind of relationship with the White House on this project. And then with the market,… “‘We’re not paying for water. We’re paying for public benefits,’ said Chris Orrock, a spokesman for the California Water Commission.” Describing why the commission has rejected funding for 11 proposed water projects for the money to be allocated from the 2014 state initiative for water projects A Note…