June 1 (EIRNS)—The “Annual Industrial Capabilities” report to Congress was “quietly released” on May 17 by the Pentagon’s Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy, according to Defense News. While EIR has not yet reviewed the full report, Defense News’ May 22 summary of the report’s findings makes clear… Alexander Hamilton would look in horror at what has become of the United States he helped to found. His system of economics, enshrined in our Constitution, recognizes that the source of economic wealth is the development of the productive powers of labor, the genius which results in fundamental scientific… California’s new solar roof mandate will make housing more expensive, increase electricity prices, and transfer wealth upwards. What it won’t do is significantly reduce carbon emissions. Since he took office in 2011, Governor Jerry Brown and the regulatory bodies he controls have worked to close the state’s two nuclear… Between 1861 and 1865, Abraham Lincoln implemented a series of revolutionary economic and banking measures…. It is true that much of this money went into financing the Union’s war effort, but also consider that— both during the Lincoln Presidency and in the years that followed—U.S. railroad mileage went from… Since the election of Donald Trump in November, 2016, there has been a great deal of discussion concerning rebuilding American infrastructure. Much of it is incompetent. All of it is inadequate. What are being put forward are limited, small approaches, very few of which will have a dramatic effect… Since 1971, and escalating dramatically after 1987, we have witnessed the widespread destruction of America’s economic capabilities. The magnificent scientific/industrial engine which served the nation—beginning really from 1936-38, through to 1971 is no more. America is primarily a formerly industrialized nation, and the impact of that policy of deindustrialization—driven… “We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We – even we here – hold the power, and bear the responsibility… We shall nobly… “Wisdom is merely the science of happiness, or that science which teaches us to achieve happiness. Happiness is a state of permanent joy…. Nothing serves our happiness better than the illumination of our understanding and the exercise of our will to act always according to our understanding…. Helping each… It is not infrastructure as such which provides this benefit, but the toll-free public infrastructure which increases the net productive powers of labor per capita and per square kilometer, for the society as a whole, that at a greater rate than at any point of production investment. Similarly, it… “What if U.S. sentiment towards China could be changed now through a policy that settled the score – returned solid middle-class jobs to America…? What if such a policy would also reduce our treasury debt to China, replacing it with longer-term equity, also made a significant dent in our…