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California Water and Infrastructure Report for August 9, 2018 For almost a quarter century, the people of North America have watched the value of their lives cheapened by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), while the speculators on Wall Street have built bubble after popped bubble off their labor. NAFTA (and CAFTA, etc.) is designed to drive…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for August 2, 2018 “Science and technology as the primary productive powers generate an inexhaustible force that drives the advancement of human civilization. Humanity has made huge leaps from agricultural to industrial civilization, and is now facing renewed scientific and technological revolutions and industrial transformations, and if the states seize the opportunities these…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for July 26, 2018 “This is becoming more and more like a Soviet-type of economy here: Commissars deciding who’s going to be granted waivers, commissars in the administration figuring out how they’re going to sprinkle around benefits.” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) A Note To Readers Republican Senator Ron Johnson represents not the American…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for July 19, 2018 Today the warning is even more urgent. Trump has shown the courage to stand up to the traitors in the intelligence community, in the Congress, in the press, who, Trump noted in a tweet this morning, “HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia….

July 18, 1918 marked the first story proposing what would become Grand Coulee Dam 100 years ago on July 18, 1918, the first story promoting the building of the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State was the front page story in the Wenatchee Daily World. It was 15 years later that President Franklin D. Roosevelt began the project in 1933 as one of…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for July 12, 2018 “The blithering idiocy of California’s water crisis” Susan Shelley in the Orange County Register A Note To Readers The above headline I like. It is an excellent summary of the state of California water policy, and this week’s developments, as the phrase puts it, takes the cake. While the…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for July 5, 2018 The Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for June 28, 2018 The six specific categories of aggression Navarro lists could describe United States policies, or the British Empire’s as easily as it does China’s.  These are, “Protect China’s Home Markets from Imports and Competition,” “Expand China’s Share of Global Markets,” “Secure and Control Core Natural Resources Globally,” “Dominate Traditional Manufacturing…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for June 21, 2018 ….the only legitimate source of profit is science, and that profit cannot be measured from the standpoint of money, but rather from the standpoint of increases in physical production which derive from scientific advances. The Science of Profit Is The Profit of Science by Susan Kokinda A Note To…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for June 14, 2018 I stand before you as an emissary of the American people to deliver a message of hope and vision and a message of peace. Our unprecedented meeting, the first between an American president and a leader of North Korea, proves that real change is indeed possible. The past does…