“Man’s dependency on an adequate supply of fresh water is an indisputable fact. It is equally a fact that there is an insufficiency of such water and that this insufficiency has been particularly felt in the Western United States. Many efforts have been and are continuing to be made… The new report by the anti-scientific crew known as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), calling for all-out destruction of the world economy in the name of the false notion that carbon causes global warming, can and must be refuted by real science and real scientists. A… “Rather, physical economics is about applying the most advanced scientific discoveries to the production and distribution of goods, to provide an improving standard of living for all people, while at the same time investing in the future, in areas which will lead to the scientific and technological progress needed… “From the first day of my Administration permanent security was just as much in the front of our minds as the temporary bolstering of banks, the furnishing of immediate jobs and the increase of direct purchasing power. Recovery has come far and with reasonable speed; reform has come less… It’s not just rocket engines that the U.S. space industry depends upon Russia for. An article in Forbes Sept. 13 details the fact that less than 20% of the in-space electric propulsion units used in American-made satellites to maneuver them to keep them in their proper orbit, are made… One important aspect about economics that modern day economists and journalists don’t understand, is that the value of infrastructure is not primarily its ability to derive a monetary return; rather, it is infrastructure’s role as a key factor in the development process of any modern economy, helping raise the… “It might be imagined that the sanest person is one who works with his hands, since he is obliged to prove constantly that the mental processes guiding his hands are in an appropriate correspondence to whatever laws of nature determine the actual results obtained….” A Note To Readers When… The development of high-density and very-high density sources of power, the process of increasing the rate of flow of fresh, clean water through the world’s national economies, a progressive revolution in the practice and principles of public health, very large-scale mass-transportation of passengers and freight emphasizing magnetic levitation, the… After the collapse of the highway bridge in Genoa, public opinion and media in EU countries are raising the question of the infrastructure safety in the EU. Although maintenance has generally been neglected and investments have cut because of austerity policies throughout the EU, the ultimate cause of the… Wednesday, August 15, 2018, was the 47th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s Aug. 15, 1971 announcement that he was taking the dollar off the gold standard, which de facto meant the destruction of the post-war Bretton Woods system. This opened the floodgates to the creation of a London-based “dollar” currency…