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California Water and Infrastructure Report for May 2, 2019 “Trump agreed this week, in a meeting with the Congressional Democratic Party leaders, on a $2 trillion infrastructure package—not a bad start on the desperate shortfall in infrastructure across the nation—but without a clue as to how to obtain that sum.” A Note To Readers Here is the full…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for April 25, 2019 “The new ‘Moon-Mars’ directive by President Donald Trump, committing the nation to an accelerated return to space, is the necessary spirit for the space-age mobilization required to respond to the severe flooding and food production emergency now playing out in the Missouri-Upper Mississippi River Basins. That spirit will enable…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for April 18, 2019 “In the spring of 1212, a twelve-year-old boy named Stephen, from the village of Cloyes in France, began preaching in the village and surrounding areas, declaiming that he had been selected by God to lead a Crusade of Children to rescue the Holy Land. He traveled to the Shrine…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for April 11, 2019 “The United States lost manufacturing jobs faster between 2000 and 2015 than in the depths of the Great Depression; it lost about 6 million, or one-third, of all manufacturing jobs.” From: “Economists Find That Trump Is—and EIR Has Always Been—Right About Manufacturing” A Note To Readers Without re-industrializing the…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for April 4, 2019 “April 2 (EIRNS)—The Upper Missouri-Mississippi River Basins flooding is rightly called “historic,” compared to the terrible episodes in the region over the past couple centuries. The cause for the damage is not bad luck or “climate change,” but the lack of infrastructure which had been proposed, specifically since the…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 28, 2019 Nuclear turns out to be the safest form of energy there is. Period. By any measure – rate of human error, worker injury or death, equipment failure, effects on surrounding populations and the environment, number of unplanned shutdowns and level of occupational exposure. The 40th Anniversary of Three Mile…

The Principle of National Sovereignty in an Era of ‘Regime Change’ The Principle of National Sovereignty in an Era of ‘Regime Change’ by Patrick Ruckert February 5, 2019

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 21, 2019 “The main contribution to climate protection would however be population reduction in the developing-sector nations. This should be made possible by a development policy involving (sustainable) investments in local supply of water, food, energy and health, as well as local environmental production.” David Folkerts-Landau, chief economist of Deutsche Bank…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 14, 2019 “What we need from scientists are estimates presented with sufficient conservatism and plausibility, but at the same time as free as possible from internal disagreements that can be exploited by political interests, that will allow us to start building a system of artificial but effective warnings which will parallel…

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 7, 2019 “On Feb. 20, the Washington Post reported that President Donald Trump plans to set up a Presidential Committee on Climate Security, to be headed by Dr. William Happer, a Professor of Physics at Princeton University. This committee would be liberated to do the unthinkable: To engage in an open,…