Category : Uncategorized

California Water and Infrastructure Report For October 14, 2021 “When understood properly, infrastructure can be the secret to unlimited economic growth. However, Washington DC doesn’t understand much of anything these days. The Biden collective’s so-called ‘infrastructure bill’ is not about infrastructure, it is cover for pushing their “Green New Deal” and globalist World Economic Forum policies—a fast track…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For October 7, 2021 “If you think that the simultaneous growth of homelessness in large sectors of our population and outrageous opulence among the privileged is unnatural, you are correct.  In fact, it is un-American. “Actual American methods of political economy, those invented by Alexander Hamilton, used by Abraham Lincoln to win the…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 30, 2021

by Patrick Ruckert “Jerry Keir, executive director of the nonprofit Great Basin Institute who was helping to manage the project, had lined up eight contractors to bid on the work. The crews would be responsible for thinning dense sections of forest and removing enough brush to allow for prescribed…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 23, 2021

by Patrick Ruckert “How did two political opposites—New Deal President Franklin Roosevelt and GM President William Knudsen—come together to carry out the industrial mobilization which won World War II? Therein lies the secret of the American System. This class is a prelude to LaRouchePAC’s new series: ‘How to Re-Americanize…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 16, 2021 “California is on fire because of Democratic myths about nature, and they are doubling down on the myths. The state is being turned rapidly into a modern desert because of Democratic myths about science and water management, and they are doubling down on the myths.  Instead of employing nuclear…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 9, 2021 2.pdf?_t=1631324658 “Here’s the issue:  California under Newsom and his sponsors is being systemically destroyed.  It is home to a now completely unbalanced economy, which subsists on income from doing outright evil: namely, income from Silicon Valley’s spy activities against the nation and Hollywood’s peddling of cultural degeneracy. The cost…

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 9, 2021 “Here’s the issue:  California under Newsom and his sponsors is being systemically destroyed.  It is home to a now completely unbalanced economy, which subsists on income from doing outright evil: namely, income from Silicon Valley’s spy activities against the nation and Hollywood’s peddling of cultural degeneracy. The cost of…

Recall Bulletin #10

By Patrick Ruckert September 6, 2010 Bulletin %2310.pdf?_t=1630895827 For a Future, Recall Newsom

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 2, 2021 “By Aug. 23, wildfires had burned 1.76 million acres in California, according to Cal Fire. By that date last year, 1.63 million acres had been scorched; the year would end with 4.2 million acres burned. About 57% of California’s forestland is under federal jurisdiction; most of the rest is…