California Drought Update for November 24, 2016

California Drought Update for November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Last week’s report featured one of the approaches required to think differently about how to produce more water:  The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA).  This week we feature a second method:  Artificial ionization.  A very interesting project now under study in China will be reported on below.  The title of the LaRouche PAC Science Team video featuring this project shall suffice as our summary of it here:  “China’s ‘Heavenly ‘River’ the Future of Water.”  For background I suggest you read an article from Executive Intelligence Review by Benjamin Deniston, published on April 3, 2015:  “MEMO FOR THE NEXT PRESIDENT:  New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis.”

Following the usual Drought Monitor and Reservoir Graph, the remainder of the report is a hodgepodge of items, including some “comments” on the continuing story of sending more of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers to the Bay.

Water means infrastructure, and the new President-elect Donald Trump has promised he will be an infrastructure building President.  The questions we all should be asking include, exactly what a necessary infrastructure building program does the nation require,” and how is that to be funded?

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