A Special Report from the California Water and Infrastructure Report:
REPORT—For a U.S. Economic Recovery: A Third National Bank Now Indispensable
The argument of this Report and Workbook, conclusively established by the data presented below, is that the abolition of our current Federal Reserve System and the establishment of a Third National Bank is absolutely indispensable. It is impossible to rebuild the U.S. nation and economy otherwise.
This report undertakes a comprehensive review of the physical U.S. economy—of both the current status, and the urgent needs of the most important components of that economy. It will identify the type and amount of investments now required to begin the process of rebuilding that economy as the productive engine which is needed for the future of the nation and the people.
For purposes of providing the reader a quick overview, each category of major investment presented below estimates the dollar equivalent of initial Third National Bank credits which we believe are required. The reader can use these figures to explore for more detail, as desired. We also invite comments from those working in each of the productive sectors of the economy we are addressing here. Have we missed something vital? What additional aspects of production need to be taken into account?
I. Banking & Credit
II. Requirements for a Recovery
III. Manufacturing
IV. Mining
V. The “Fourth Law”—Science and Technology Investment
VI. Infrastructure
VII. Agriculture
VIII. Educating Our Youth—a Space CCC
IX. Reconstruction of Our Cities