California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 21, 2023

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 21, 2023

(With expanded coverage of all the Western States)

by Patrick Ruckert

A Note to Readers

The U.S Drought Monitor for California this week shows that drought in California continues to be absent in the state, a far cry from most September’s during most years for the past two decades. Yet, due to past lack of investment in water infrastructure, water shortages in local areas, and wells drying up are still a problem.

On the other hand scattered drought in the Midwest region of the country has reduced corn and soy bean production dramatically. An article on that follows the U.S. Drought Monitor: “Soybean harvest starts in Kansas, less than 25% of the crop in good/excellent condition.”

Under the title, “Water Policy In The Hands of State Leaders Is A Disaster; “That includes a virtual war against agriculture,” you will find several articles highlighting mismanagement, environmentalist and woke ideology that now controls water policy in California.

Note the foundation support for the “think tank” promoting shutting down at least a million acres of farm land in the Central Valley, and, among other things. “repurposing the land to become “windmill farms.”

In a wet year as much as 20% of California’s electricity is produced by hydropower. But, not only in California is that threatened by delays in the bureaucratic procedures of inspection and approval for continued operations, but nationwide also.

We have two articles on the Colorado River this week. Both demonstrating the failure of leadership in actually having the intelligence and guts to bring into actual production the 1960s project of the North American Water and Power Alliance.

The Feature this week is a new article by my associate Robert Ingraham: “Creating a Republican Labor Party.”

With the UAW strike now ongoing against the big three auto makers is part of a wave of strikes that have occurred in recent months. But, this strike brings to the forefront the question of what policy can actually represent the interests of working Americans.

Ingraham’s article addresses that question from the standpoint of breaking the globalist control of both the Democratic Party and the banker-controlled faction of the Republican Party.

Returning to the ideas of the founder of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln, he writes:

It was Abraham Lincoln, more than any other individual, who created the Republican Party. Yes, there were many others, but it was Lincoln who insisted that a majority party could only be created by returning to the original principles of the American Declaration of Independence.

‘Lincoln had labored for years in his youth as essentially an indentured servant, and he knew first-hand the toil of physical labor and the way in which working people were exploited by capital.

‘Perhaps his most direct statement on Labor is found in his Dec. 3, 1861, address to Congress:

”It is not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favor of popular institutions, but there is one point, with its connections, not so hackneyed as most others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to place capital on an equal footing with, if not above, labor in the structure of government. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital; that nobody labors unless somebody else owning capital, somehow by the use of it induces him to labor. . . Now there is no such relation between capital and labor as assumed, nor is there any such thing as a free man being fixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. Both these assumptions are false, and all inferences from them are groundless.’”

Is there a candidate for President in for the 2024 election who thinks like that? Yes, one. Ingraham concludes his article, writing:

In his Agenda 47, Trump has proposed to build hundreds of new power plants to power economic growth;  he has proposed a 10 percent across-the-board tariff to protect American companies and provide revenue;  he has proposed to build new cities;  he has defended Social Security and Medicare;  he has proposed a war on the drug cartels who are murdering our children, and he has proposed to overturn all of the policies of the “green agenda” which are destroying us. The Trump movement “big tent” rejects entry by the oligarchs and their professional political party retainers. But it welcomes the rest of us as We the People take back control of our destiny.”

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