“If you think that the simultaneous growth of homelessness in large sectors of our population and outrageous opulence among the privileged is unnatural, you are correct. In fact, it is un-American.
“Actual American methods of political economy, those invented by Alexander Hamilton, used by Abraham Lincoln to win the Civil War, and Franklin Roosevelt to win World War II, led to general upgrades in the productive powers of labor and a simultaneous upward pull on the general living conditions of all. Economist Lyndon LaRouche fundamentally advanced these ideas. He noted, decades ago, that un-American economic policies have been leading us both into economic collapse and into self-destructive and un-American wars. It is time we stopped listening to the destructive siren song of the modern British Empire–its central bankers, London and Wall Street speculators, Washington retainers, and accompanying economist apologists. It’s time to return to American methods of fostering progress.”
From this week’s Feature: “American Infrastructure? It’s Not in Any of the Bills Before Congress”
A Note to Readers
The Feature this week is an article from LaRouche PAC by my associate Michael Carr that not only tears apart the Biden so-called infrastructure legislation, but puts forward an effective approach to building a new platform of infrastructure that increases the productive power of the entire economy. The article begins on page 13, below.
Otherwise this report covers the drought, water supply and wildfire developments.
Following the latest maps from the U.S. Drought Monitor, an article titled, “ Past 12 months among the driest ever in California history,” which, of course, blames it all on man-caused climate change, does demonstrate both the extent of the drought now underway, and very low levels of the water supply for the state.
With forecasts generally united that the coming winter will be another dry one, California water supply regulators are warning that there will be a potential of 0% water allocation for 2022. Because virtually no water infrastructure has been built in California for 40 years or more, the projects not being able to deliver is really not something new. Since about 1995, less than one half of the ensuing 25 years the water contractors have not received all they requested.
The Colorado River provides water and electricity to 40 million people in the southwest states. The next item in this report is a good summary of the status of the river and the reservoirs.
Under the title, “It Only Took A Few Years To Finally Get Started,” we have a report on how finally work is scheduled to begin on the repair of the Friant-Kern Canal before the end of this year. As the noted article states:
“Because of the subsidence damage, the Friant-Kern Canal has been operating with up to 300,000 acre-feet of reduced water deliveries annually.
“The restoration project would restore capacity to the original 4,000 cubic-feet-per-second, up from the current capacity of 1,600 cubic-feet-per-second.”
The final section before the Feature, is “The Fire Season Is Not Over,” a warning that just because there appears to be a pause in more and large fires over the past week or so, with the Diablo and Santa Ana Winds just beginning, October and November can see a very dangerous couple of months ahead.