California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 9, 2021

California Water and Infrastructure Report For September 9, 2021

Here’s the issue:  California under Newsom and his sponsors is being systemically destroyed.  It is home to a now completely unbalanced economy, which subsists on income from doing outright evil: namely, income from Silicon Valley’s spy activities against the nation and Hollywood’s peddling of cultural degeneracy. The cost of living, for everyone but millionaires, has become unbearable. 

California, once the hub of scientific and engineering expertise and some of the greatest water projects in the world –the nation’s chief agricultural powerhouse, is under Newsom, in a new, very dark age.”

From the “California Recall Countdown Bulletin No. 1.” (see page 16)

A Note to Readers

September 14 is just a few days away, and that date is when we will know if Governor Gavin Newsom has been recalled. If so, it will be a “shot heard ’round the world,” as even the top leaders of Newsom’s party have flooded California in recent days campaigning for a no vote on the recall. But, the crises in the state, whatever the outcome will not go away.

Our Feature this week provides you with California Recall Countdown Bulletin Nos. 1 and No. 2. They provide you with the proper perspective for understanding and joining in the fight.

This week’s report begins with the Drought and quickly moves to the outbreak of the long-suppressed “California Water Wars.” With most of the State Assembly continuing to sabotage any building of water infrastructure, they are being called out by a couple of members of the Assembly and the Senate: Assembly member Vince Fong and State Sen. Melissa Hurtado. Two articles feature that aspect of the battle.

But do not expect the Water Board and the environmentalists who occupy Sacramento to give a damn about hundreds of thousands of acres of the best farm land in the world being fallowed and entire orchards being ripped out of the ground.

Attempting to show that they are human, the Water Board made one little concession this week, as it amended curtailment orders to expedite water deliveries so the “City of Ukiah can draw ‘small amount’ from Russian River for coastal residents.”

Meanwhile, water districts and even the City of San Francisco have sued the Water Board for its draconian shut down of water to virtually the entirety of the Central Valley and more.

And the unreliability of the insane policy of Newsom and friends to make only “renewables” the only electricity generation allowed in the state has given us another “flex alert” this week, as the temperatures are rising once again. So do not use your air conditioning or dishwasher when it is convenient for you, or you may blow out the entire state.

On the wildfire front, “Nearly 15,000 firefighters were making progress on 14 major wildfires and several smaller new fires, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said. They include three of the state’s 20 largest fires on record.”

Next are a series of articles critical of the U.S. Forest Service and the environmentalist policy that has left the forests of the West overloaded with live trees, tens of millions of dead ones and underbrush that provides the starter fuel for devastating fires.

We conclude the report this week with the Feature, as was mentioned above.

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