California Water and Infrastructure Report For June 20, 2019

California Water and Infrastructure Report For June 20, 2019

The other aspect is, how do you now develop a next generation to really surpass the current social characteristics that we see, the cultural neuroses that we see implemented by the Silicon Valley orientation, Wall Street, the music culture? This begins with education. Many people criticize the current education programs, the structure, the content. But you have to ask yourself a real question. How do you create a new generation of teachers who can then teach a whole new generation of young people?”

Michael Steger

A Note To Readers

Caught up in the partisan bullshit that dominates the news? Flipping from optimism to pessimism about the future, or even right now? Forget all that and grasp the potential before us, of a completely new, and different, paradigm of thinking.

The interview, from which the quote above is from, The Artemis Generation, is excerpted and linked in the section below named “The Artemis Generation.” Michael Steger provides some perspective on how we arrived at where we are, and the process underway that provides the potential of 100 years of spectacular development of our world and all mankind.

Of course, here in California, which has become the first state to achieve the return to feudalism, such optimism may be a hard sell, but what do you have to lose but your misery?

The state is the richest and the poorest in the Union, with almost forty percent of the population below or near the official poverty line, and the educational system, that used to be the top in the country, is now near the bottom. We are at the top, though, in the numbers of homeless, at about 130,000, while we have more billionaires than the rest of the states combined.

But, enough of that, read the full interview with Michael Steger. If it does not make you smile, then ask yourself why.

In this week’s report

The “California and National Drought Summary for June 18, 2019,” since there is virtually no drought in California now, the focus this week of the Drought Summary is the ongoing and intensifying drought in Washington State.

It is Summer and the rain has mostly stopped, probably not to return until some time this Fall. So we include in this week’s report another of the “this proves global warming causes pimples” screeds. This one predicts that “Future summers will ‘smash’ temperature records every year.” I provide this for entertainment purposes only.

The Oroville Dam Update is “business as usual, and the dam has not collapsed.”

For nearly 30 years the state and federal water projects, the largest and most complex system in the world, has been unable to provide the citizens of California with the amount of water required. This year, despite near or record levels of precipitation, is no exception. So the announcement by the Bureau of Reclamation that it is increasing by five percent the amount it will provide South of the Delta contractors, has been met with “when will this crap end?”

Next is, “Water Use in California,” a report that provides the technical details of water use in the state.

We have been reporting on the massive destruction of the agricultural sector of the mid-west which has experienced record flooding for the past three months. Now, as reported, the planting of especially corn and soy beans will fall to a level of production not seen for decades. The Pick-Sloan 1944 plan for taming the Missouri and Mississippi rivers is still on the books and awaits restoring the mission purpose of the nation to build the infrastructure required to prevent such disasters.

The section of this report I have named “Some Solutions,” presents the economic and political policy required to end this era of pessimism.

Finally, the Feature this week is the interview with Michael Steger referred to above.

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