“This is a fast trip, but if it had no other benefit than to permit us to look at this valley and others like it across the country, where we can see the greenest and richest earth producing the greatest and richest crops in the country, and then a mile away see the same earth, and see it brown and dusty and useless, and all because there’s water in one place and there isn’t in another. I know of no better trip for any President or any Member of the House or Senate, or indeed any citizen, particularly those of us who live in the East, where water is everywhere and is a burden, to realize how very precious it is here in the western United States.”
President John F. Kennedy —San Luis Dam, California, August 18, 1962
A Note To Readers
A personal note to begin. On Saturday, June 8 in New York City a memorial was held to celebrate the life of my friend, teacher and comrade of 50 years, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. I would like to share that memorial with you, my readers. Mr. LaRouche passed away on Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, a date I am sure he would appreciate. The memorial was one rich with music and videos from Mr. LaRouche’s life, a life that touched many many thousands of people throughout the world, and still does now, as he now lives as an immortal soul.
The Triumph of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
This Week’s Report
So it has been hot on the West Coast this week. Our first report tells us how hot and why.
Drought has all but disappeared from the region, except, ironically, from the Olympic Peninsula Rain Forest of Washington State.
We have an operations report from Oroville Dam next. But for the Chicken Little element no serious and honest report from anyone in any position of authority is enough to deter their hysterics. Yes, they are still warning and crying about how the dam and/or the spillways are about to fail.
Next is a report entitled, “California Highlights in 2017 Census of Agriculture,” which may do a little to quiet some who claim that all of California agriculture is run by mega-cartels.
Of course, what makes California agriculture the most productive agriculture in the world is water. But, “In California, ‘enough’ water is never enough.” So reads the title of the article we cover.
That nuclear power evokes irrational fears has been something that has been with us since a deliberate campaign to shut it down began in the early 1970s. A recent HBO series, “Chernobyl,” continues the Hollywood role in spreading fear— based on distortions and outright lies. Three articles reviewing that series come under the title “Nuclear Power” in this week’s report.
Finally, the Feature this week is Part II of “President John F. Kennedy– The Apollo Project to the Moon and Western Water Development.” This part includes a good handful of quotes from Kennedy’s speeches at his dedication of Western water projects in 1962 and 1963.