The Nazi Attack on the Soviet Union—1941-1945: A Lesson for Today

The Nazi Attack on the Soviet Union—1941-1945: A Lesson for Today

This is an edited version of a presentation given in San Francisco on March 7, 2015. A link to the video of that presentation is here:


On February 27, Lyndon LaRouche, in a discussion with his associates, stated that, “it’s not muscular power which moves history. It won’t come from overwhelming the enemy through numbers or force.” “History,” he said, “is not a mechanical process. It’s not a muscle-game. There are higher processes, higher orders…. Don’t try to explain why history is moving. Be the cause of its movement, and create the future! We are experiencing now the fall of Zeus. Our job is to cook his goose!”

Grab that idea and you begin to understand why LaRouche insists that what makes us human is that unique power of creativity. Creativity is what the oligarchy either denies to exist, or makes it an irrational impulse. Creativity is the imagination bringing into being something that has never existed before, but which creates a better future for mankind. Creativity is not, as Adolph Hitler or Obama would believe, is killing more people than anyone has ever done before (i.e.—something new!–).

The oligarchy, and those who serve it always make the mistake LaRouche identifies: They believe that force, based on a virtually mechanical action, defined by numbers, represented mathematically, can bring about the result they desire. That is the belief that Obama regurgitates regularly when he claims that by the sanctions on Russia he can change Putin’s behavior. What is that but Behaviorism?– the method you use to train your dog. It is the oligarchical method of thinking that locates the primary motivation of human beings as comfort, pleasure, money, and the avoidance of discomfort or pain.

It is that same belief that gives the delusion to those who are presently planning a “limited nuclear war,” a war which the Russians have stated again and again will not be limited, but will be a war of extinction.

Recently, on March 1, 2015 we released the following:

“March 1 (EIRNS)–Gen.-Maj. Andrei Burbin, chief of the Central Command Post of the Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) today gave an unusual on-air briefing on Russia’s readiness to use its strategic nuclear weapons under conditions of attack on the country, including the much-ballyhooed U.S. Prompt Global Strike scheme for a non-nuclear attempt to destroy the Russian retaliatory capability. The message from this Russian officer is that “utopian” military schemes for ‘limited nuclear war’ or a
‘counterforce’ destruction of Russia’s nuclear weapons are illusory: They will fail, and the result will be retaliation against the United States using the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Russia’s SMF. Burbin’s interview by military analyst Igor Korotchenko, editor of the journal Natsionalnaya oborona

(National Defense), was cited by major Russian wire services and newspapers, including the government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Highlights were showcased in English by Sputnik News, RT, and other outlets, indicating a high-level decision to get out this statement of Russia’s military posture worldwide.”

The alternative to this insanity was presented by LaRouche on February 28. He said:

…mankind is mortal, but the function of mankind is immortal. The function is what mankind contributes, to mankind’s own future, mankind’s own destiny, and that’s what’s most important.

Now, you get to be an old geezer like me, you come much closer to recognizing to what all that means. Does your life, does the addition of another week in your life, another year in your life, is that a mechanism by which we can improve the destiny of mankind? Because mankind is not located simply in how long they live. Mankind is located, his identity is located in what he or she contributes, to the future of mankind; not how long they live, but what they contribute to the future. And people who are serious, order their lives on the basis of realizing a necessary improvement to the existence and persistence of their lives, their own lives. It does not lie in any other simple explanation. All people die, all men and women die. They will eventually die, so what’s the meaning of their life? The meaning of their life is what they contribute, to the future of mankind.”

I think that is what LaRouche was discussing when he said on the LaRouche Policy Committee program on March 2, 2014:

Human beings if they don’t have religion really aren’t human.”

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