California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 21, 2019

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 21, 2019

“The main contribution to climate protection would however be population reduction in the developing-sector nations. This should be made possible by a development policy involving (sustainable) investments in local supply of water, food, energy and health, as well as local environmental production.”

David Folkerts-Landau, chief economist of Deutsche Bank

A Note To Readers

At least one of the bastards is telling the truth about the real motivation for promoting hysteria over climate change. Of course, it is an economist from Deutsche Bank, a bank that has sucked at the tit of financial speculation and all but destroyed itself with its bad bets. But, hey, this is the system of unregulated finance, and to keep this parasitical system alive, well, let us just kill a few billion people.

In this week’s report

It is official, for the first time in seven years California is drought-free. Not only that, there is lots of snow in the Sierras and the Rockies, so there may not be too much rationing of the Colorado River water next year, which has been expected.

Both the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project have increased the allocation of water they will send to water contractors this year.

That is nice, but neither agency is providing the full amount requested. So, even a winter with near optimal amounts of precipitation, there is no ability for the state to provide all of the water that is required. Yes, building of more storage capacity is necessary and some is in the works, but only with a seriously big, gigantic, project like the North American Power and Water Alliance (NAWAPA) will securing the water supplies of much of the country (for Canada and Mexico, too) for decades into the future. Part III concluding the series on NAWAPA is in this week’s Feature.

The Oroville Dam update features a follow-up letter from FEMA on why the agency will not pay $306 million of the cost for the repair of the spillways.

Representatives of seven states finished a landmark agreement to shore up the dwindling Colorado River and signed a letter to Congress on Tuesday calling for legislation to enact the deal.

Nuclear power is the topic this week on the infrastructure front. The article that is featured demonstrates, unfortunately once again, how at least some of the advocates of the technology are cowed by the “go along to get along” mentality of climate change that dominates the discussion of energy supplies.

Two articles on the Green New Deal demonstrate once again that the real intent of the climate change mafia is population reduction. The quote that leads this report is from one of those articles. A sober and challenging report follows those two articles: “President Trump’s Committee on Climate Security: A Much-Needed, Overdue Return to Science.”

Our Feature, Part III of the series on the North American Water and Power Alliance, concludes this report.

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