California Water and Infrastructure Report for January 24, 2019

California Water and Infrastructure Report for January 24, 2019

This is everything FDR dreamed about, the New Deal to put America back to work. Think of LBJ, he gave people food stamps & welfare. Donald Trump’s giving them a job. He’s got a lot of good things to talk about. News stories do not accurately cover him, should correct.”

A tweet from President Donald Trump

January 24, 2019

A Note To Readers

President Trump clearly understands the difference between a Democrat like President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his driving policy of building, developing and putting Americans to work productively, and the Democrats of the post-John Kennedy era. FDR built the greatest infrastructure projects ever, and they are still the greatest today. Projects like the Grand Coulee Dam, the Tennessee Valley Authority, rural electrification, the California Central Valley Project, and many many more, still are the backbone of the productive U.S. economy.

In this week’s report

We begin the report with the weather, the snowpack, the drought and El Nino. And look at the map of Oregon, still 100 percent in drought.

Near the top of the report this week is the Colorado River. When, not if, Lake Mead falls just seven more feet, then begins the first of a series of more and more severe cutbacks and rationing of water to 40 million people. The report, which I excerpt this week, presents the dynamic process of how and why we are now near a very serious problem.

The project to raise the height of Shasta Dam has begun preliminary construction. The dam will be raised by 18.5 feet, which will increase the amount of water that can be stored in Shasta Lake by 630,000 acre-feet, or 14 percent. The federal government, which owns the dam and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has begun the project, though the damn state environmentalist mentality is out to stop the project.

Sort of related is how the federal government is now rushing to repair the Whittier Narrows Dam to prevent a breach that would flood one million residents.

Under my title, “The Parasites Smell Blood,” you will find a couple of stories about how, whether it is the hedge funds holding PG&E stock, or those wishing to speculate on California’s water shortages, vultures, lice, maggots, magpies and other parasites from Wall Street, flock to the feast.

Nuclear power developments are reported under the title of “Infrastructure.” There you will find a commentary asking why, if Democrats are so concerned about CO2, why don’t they support nuclear power. The commentary is written by a Democrat. Two new laws passed by Congress and signed by the President will facilitate both procedures for moving forward with nuclear projects, and open the door more widely for exciting new nuclear technologies.

The “Feature” this week is LaRouche PAC’s new proposal to the Congress, “The Way Forward,” which has been delivered to every Congressional and Senate office this week. Ending the partisan insanity now can be accomplished based on the principles set forth in that document. Here is just a short quotation from that document:

After the mid-term election results, it should have become clear to all concerned, as indeed expressed by President Donald Trump in his press conference at that time, that with the Republicans in control of the U.S. Senate and the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, either the nation and thereby the world will suffer self-destructive inaction, as a result of an escalating attack on the Presidency or bipartisan action will need to be taken ‘in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.’”

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