For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding. President John F. Kennedy
A Note To Readers
This morning west coast time China landed a rover on the far side of the Moon. An accomplishment no other nation has ever done.
As I have often presented here, in these reports, it is an aggressive space and nuclear fusion development policy that must be the foundation of a new platform of scientific progress, and that in turn, must be the foundation for a new platform of infrastructure for the 21st Century. That is the subject of our Feature this week, and is the last item in this report.
So, this week we highlight the Chinese space program, while not neglecting to recall the great accomplishments of the U.S. space program put in motion by our last really great President, John Kennedy.
All that follows an array of items on the drought, the snowpack measurement of December 3, rain and snow forecasts and related meteorological developments. Also included in this first section of the report is two studies worrying about a generally developing snow and winter deficit in the Rocky Mountains and the Sierras.
Of course, I cannot leave out a short item on our Governor who is about to leave office for the last time. And characteristic of Jerry Brown he leaves a real turd. In a farewell interview he warned that America and the rest of the world are falling behind in the fight against climate change and likened the challenge to fighting the Nazis in World War II.
Two other items in this report should be mentioned. First, that even somewhat flaky guys like Bill Gates are recognizing that the U.S. must return to an aggressive program of building fission nuclear power plants. Second, is a delightful report on President Trump’s partner, the new President of Mexico Lopez Obrador. President Obrador in his New Year’s address outlined an Franklin Roosevelt policy of how to put all of Mexico’s young people to work.
While I include several pages on the China Moon landing, there is a broader concern about what the Hell is the U.S. doing. On January 31, an item on the LaRouche PAC website posed such a fundamental question:
Two ‘Sputniks of 2019’: What Will America Do?
The new year begins with the United States facing scientific and technological surprises from two great nations at once. Russia has tested and begun to deploy hypersonic weapons, against which, numerous U.S. defense and military officials acknowledge, the United States has no defense. And China may be days away from landing its Chang’e-4 mission on the far side of the Moon, a feat no spacefaring nation has attempted before.
How should the United States, and President Donald Trump, react? Well, perhaps, the following will aid your thinking about that question. I include here just a short excerpt from this article:
What the World Needs Now
Jan. 3 (EIRNS)—As all the world now knows, Chang’e-4 touched down today on the far side of the Moon for mankind’s first-ever controlled landing there. As EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche had correctly forecast even before the Chang’e-4 mission was formally announced in December 2015, a new era has opened for mankind. Ouyang Ziyuan, the chief scientist and father of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program, was interviewed today on CGTN television, and discussed his discovery that the Moon’s helium-3 will provide fusion energy to power mankind for the next 10,000 years. At the same moment, the great promise the lunar far side offers for low-frequency radio astronomy—of which LaRouche’s Basement Science Team has written—was already being exploited as early as yesterday, when the Chinese lunar lander was coupled with their Queqiao relay satellite, to make a compound low-frequency radio telescope reaching out far beyond our galaxy, while sheltered by the body of the Moon from the Earth’s interference.
But still more important is Chang’e-4’s role in our species’ historic progress from Earth, and out into the Solar System, the galaxy and beyond, which was begun, against tremendous odds, by heroic Germans, Russians and Americans of the 20th Century. But then it was cruelly shut down by Britain after the American manned Moon landings of 1969-72. Now at last, that great crusade of humanity has finally been resumed again after two lost generations.