California Water and Infrastructure Report for November 15, 2018

California Water and Infrastructure Report for November 15, 2018

Just look at California, now engulfed by fires of Biblical proportions. We know how to control the water cycle; we can clear and garden forests, but the environmentalists have insisted, instead, on policies which literally set the state on fire. They now seek to blame nature for their murderous arson. The case is similar with respect to the huge floods and damage from hurricanes which have devastated our states and Puerto Rico. We have not built the infrastructure that would make any damage from natural cycles minimal, because Wall Street speculation robs the economy of the financial flows that could build the flood, wind, and water control projects which have been on the books for decades.”

A Note To Readers

A perfect storm has created a double fire disaster in northern and southern California; fires that of the writing of this report are still out of control and the destruction and deaths continue to mount.

President Trump will arrive in the state to tour the fire zones and meet with the victims on Saturday.

The report this week focuses on the fundamental conflict that created the conditions that last year’s late Fall fires and this year’s became as destructive as they are. That conflict is exemplified by the battle of words between President Trump and all his opponents. Discussion of the fires and aspects of those fires is included.

So, this report begins with that. All else follows toward the end of this report. That includes the U.S. Drought Monitor, some coverage of El Nino, the Oroville Dam Update and the potential of a bi-partisan approach to infrastructure between the Democrats and President Trump.

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