California Water and Infrastructure Report for October 25, 20018

California Water and Infrastructure Report for October 25, 20018

For the first time in more than 50 years. The President of the United States is taking responsibility for ensuring that the nation’s largest state and the provider of more than 50% of the nation’s fruits, vegetables and nuts will have adequate water for its people and agriculture. Not since
President John Kennedy has a U.S. President done so. Like the President’s attacks on the global warming fraud, his action on the California water issue opens a new front in a war against those who wish to depopulate the planet.”

A Note To Readers

The quote above is the opening paragraph from my report on President Trump’s October 19 “Presidential Memorandum on Western Water.” My full report follows the first section– drought and weather– of this report. My report is followed by commentary and articles on the Memorandum.

Now that Memorandum by the President was punch one of two this past week. The second was the President’s signing of the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018.

While the Memorandum was aimed at speeding up and streamlining the EPA process on water projects, mainly in the western part of the United States, the Water Infrastructure Act actually funds new and ongoing water projects throughout the nation.

While neither action is really a game changer in repairing and adding new infrastructure to the horrendous deficit as such, they do indicate a directionality that not only the President wishes to pursue, but also can provide the American people with something concrete demonstrating what is real physical economy.

My commentary on the Water Infrastructure Act is followed by articles describing the act.

The Rest of This Report:

The Oroville Dam Update has just one video this week. It is of the pouring of the final wall section of main spillway.

On the November ballot in California is the Water Infrastructure Ballot Measure #3, an $8.7 billion measure. Unlike the 2014 Referendum which approved a similar sized program to deal with the then ongoing five year drought, this bill specifies what is to be funded and how much for each project. My coverage of it provides several articles providing specifics and who is for and against it.

Next is an Infrastructure Commentary by my colleague William Jones. He writes of the potential of collaboration between China and the U.S. in building U.S. infrastructure.

The next section, “Global Warming Hysterics is Population Reduction,” begins with a video of a recent presentation by my colleague Megan Beets with that title. With the IPCC report of a few weeks ago demanding the virtual shutting down of all industry, the use of all fossil fuels, and of course refusing to even consider the expansion of nuclear power, we must state truthfully what is the real intention of the institutional structure of those who created the environmentalist movement in the post-World War II period.

That video is followed by several pieces and articles directly on the topic of climate change. Included here is the item, “Scientist Piers Corbyn Decimates IPCC Report.”

Finally the “Feature” this week is Part II of Will Wertz’s presentation of October 13, “Cutting the Gordian Knot with the Sword of Damocles.” Part I covered President Trump’s intent to restore the “American System” as his model of how to rebuild the nation. Part II is a discussion of how Abraham Lincoln fought and defeated the Wall Street bankers in order to fund his war to defend the nation from the traitors of the Confederacy.

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