Trump Oct. 19 Presidential Memorandum on Western Water: The Paradigm Shift Opens a New Flank
By Patrick Ruckert
Oct. 20 (EIRNS)–For the first time in more than 50 years. The President of the United States is taking responsibility for ensuring that the nation’s largest state and the provider of more than 50% of the nation’s fruits, vegetables and nuts will have adequate water for its people and agriculture. Not since
President John Kennedy has a U.S. President done so. Like the President’s attacks on the global warming fraud, his action on the California water issue opens a new front in a war against those who wish to depopulate the planet.
On Friday, President Donald Trump, while in Arizona, signed a Presidential Memorandum that has California farmers cheering and environmentalists jeering. While there is much noise about the President’s action, what it will mean in actually dealing with the Western States’ (and California’s in particular) ongoing water shortages remains unclear and it will have no noticeable effect for some time.
California’s water problem has been decades in the making, and while certain short-term actions can help to provide more water to especially the farmers of California’s Central Valley, no tweaking of the existing water management system of the state can actually ensure adequate water supplies for the state’s 40 million people. It has been more than 40 years since any major water project in the state has been built. At that time, the state had the world’s largest and most complex water management
system. Now, the situation is dire. (See relevant background below)