The development of high-density and very-high density sources of power, the process of increasing the rate of flow of fresh, clean water through the world’s national economies, a progressive revolution in the practice and principles of public health, very large-scale mass-transportation of passengers and freight emphasizing magnetic levitation, the development of new conceptions of raw materials and their processing, and increased emphasis on exploration of nearby space for scientific purposes, will lead the list of undertakings.
These types of great undertakings will be the drivers which define the direction of organization of all leading phases of production. These great projects will then define the base-line of capital factors underlying all significant other economic activity in the economies within and among nations of the world as a whole.
A Note To Readers
As drought, fire, water and other related news this week is very light, or very silly, this report will be heavily focused on more fundamental ideas and principles. And, of course, it is only from the standpoint of fundamental principles that more local tasks can really be addressed more seriously-- like California's water and infrastructure. The above quotation is from a 10-year old report by Lyndon LaRouche, written at the outbreak of the 2008 crash of the U.S. and western world banking and financial system. Remember the one in which 8 million people lost their jobs and upwards of 6 million lost their homes? Well, then, and even more so today, the urgency of ending the 47 years of financial speculation, gambling and looting of the real physical economy is what must be the policy of the United States. For, as I reported last week, August 15, 1971, when President Nixon ended the post-WWII “Bretton Woods” fixed-exchange-rate monetary system, that set off the process of banking and financial deregulation that has destroyed so much. The article, “New Bretton Woods: Russia’s Role in a Recovery,” can be found here: So, it is time to return to that Franklin D. Roosevelt designed Bretton Woods system, with a New Bretton Woods. Below is the link to a petition to Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi, and Prime Minister Modi of India to put together a summit of those four major nations to do just that:
The Leaders of the United States, Russia, China and India Must Take Action!
We, the undersigned, appeal to President Trump, President Putin, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi, to convoke an emergency summit in order to create a New Bretton Woods global monetary system.
The last item in this week’s report, “The most beautiful demonstration of the unity of art and science.” is an excellent illustration that the fundamental principle of economics is the creative power of the human mind in the discovery of new physical and classical artistic principles– new principles that drive forward the application of new technologies of production, uplifting to a new, higher platform of productivity the entire economy and the labor force. The report is on the near 600 year-old Florence Cathedral, and its unique, unsupported by buttresses, dome that still marvels architects and engineers around the world, and how the most advanced nuclear science is being used to discover the secrets of Brunelleschi’s Dome.
In This Week’s Report
We begin, as is our usual practice with the U.S. Drought Monitor for California, followed by a short item on the most intense drought ever that now grips British Columbia.
Then comes our fire report. With no new major fires igniting in the past two weeks, some may wish to relax, but that could be a very serious mistake this early in the fire season.
Then, for entertainment purposes only, is the new apocalyptic report by the state of California that forsees, if you are alive 80 years from now, you will be roasted, starved and die of thirst. Jerry is very happy to present this forecast to the people of the state during his final months as governor.
The Oroville Dam Update this week just has one construction progress video.
Then we are back to the “California Water Wars.” Most developments in this never ending “war” are merely a linear extension of what has been reported here over the past few weeks. So, there are just a couple of items included. Led by this, “Western water honchos secretly huddle on tunnels, fish.”
Two articles, one on the decline of life-expectancy in the U.S. and Europe and the second on the fact that more than one-half of the children in the U.S. must rely on some form of government assistance, demonstrates the failure of the post-JFK economic policy.
Under the title, “We Have Seen This Nonsense Before,” I review an article on a United Nations sponsored study, with the weird title, “Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise.” The study is a combination of a re-run of the 1972 book “Limits to Growth,” and the post-industrial fantasies of that same era.
Then, finally, the Feature on Filippo Brunelleschi’s famous dome of the cathedral of Florence, Italy.