California Water and Infrastructure Report for June 21, 2018

California Water and Infrastructure Report for June 21, 2018

.the only legitimate source of profit is science, and that profit cannot be measured from the standpoint of money, but rather from the standpoint of increases in physical production which derive from scientific advances.

The Science of Profit Is The Profit of Science

by Susan Kokinda

A Note To Readers

Looking at this week’s report, and how the same stories appear to go on and on, one may throw up his or her hands and say, as too many Americans are prone to do these days, “Shit, nothing ever changes.”

Perhaps these same people bought into the idea that there are “intractable, unsolvable conflicts in the world, like the North Korea nuclear weapons conflict. But, as President Trump said after his meeting with North Korea President Kim, “The past does not have to define the future. The current state of affairs cannot endure forever.”

There just needs to be determination, courage and daring by certain leaders, with the backing of the American people, and then any problem can be solved. Even the apparent “unsolvable” catastrophe that is California today. Especially the question of water and infrastructure. And that one takes thinking from the future– what is necessary for tomorrow that must be built today. And that tomorrow must be at least 50 years out there.

As California is one of the major states with an “illegal immigrant” problem, the following from a LaRouche PAC statement of June 21 underlines both the solution and at the same time aims appropriate disgust at those who exploit it, not solve it. For Europe, too, has an “immigrant problem,” created by the 14 years of regime change wars from the Bush and Obama administrations. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been pouring into Europe from the Middle-east and North Africa. Only by addressing the necessity of real economic development in Africa, the Middle-east, and South and Central America is it possible to even think that these problems are solvable. The link and some excerpts follow:

New Silk Road Proceeds, Europe and U.S. Running Out Of Time, Must Join Now

“President Trump yesterday pulled the rug out from under his war-mongering enemies who were using fake pictures and hysterical accounts of illegal immigrant children being “torn from their mother’s breasts” on the border, by issuing an order that families should be detained together rather than using separate facilities for the children. The frenzied stories in the media, 24-7, and foul-mouthed rants from Hollywood “celebrities,” were aimed at diverting attention from Trump’s role in the historic events bringing peace to Korea, and from the exposure of the crimes of the FBI in the “Get Trump” campaign orchestrated by British intelligence.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called for the EU Summit at the end of this month to invite China and leaders of African nations to attend, to change the agenda to the urgent necessity for western nations to join with China in the New Silk Road to rebuild the war-torn nations of Southwest Asia, and to create modern agro-industrial nations across Africa. This, she notes, is the only solution to the refugee crisis which is tearing Europe apart.

LaRouchePAC’s Kesha Rogers, who is running an independent campaign for Congress in Texas, supported Zepp-LaRouche’s call, and added her own call to apply the same simple truth to the immigration problem in the U.S. — end the legalization of drugs, and join with China in the development of Central and South America, because it is the only means to end the flow of people fleeing the terror and poverty in their homelands, but also because it is simply the correct and moral thing to do for the future of humanity.

America should be doing nothing less.”

In This Week’s Report

This week, as usual, we begin with, “Drought, the Weather, El Nino and Colorado River Reservoirs.”

And then a little item on the hysterics surrounding what is forecast for at least 30 years out, that the sea level will rise and flood parts of Silicon Valley.

The Oroville Dam update includes a new video and construction progress report. Also, more apologetics from the Department of Water Resources.

The next two sections underline what I wrote above, that the same stories just seem to never go away. First the Bureau of Reclamation announced a minuscule increase of water allocations, as did the Central Valley Project last week. Second, the federal government’s plan to raise Shasta dam seems to be moving forward with actual construction contracts to be awarded next year.

Then we have a round-up of news items about infrastructure developments, including the sensible statement by Energy Secretary Perry that, “You would not want to wager that your liberties and your freedoms in a country … should be left solely to the free market.”

Since the tariff conflict with China impacts so much of the economy, and diverts from collaboration of bringing China into building infrastructure in the U.S., most of an article on the topic is included in this report.

The final section includes the quote that is at the top of the report this week from the article,The Science of Profit Is The Profit of Science,” by Susan Kokinda. A teaser: Why did Henry Ford raise his workers wages to $5.00 per day?

And a reminder. I urge all readers to download and study the LaRouche PAC report issued last month: “Campaign to Win the Future– A New Padadigm for Mankind: LaRouche’s Four Laws for Economic Recovery.”

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