Between 1861 and 1865, Abraham Lincoln implemented a series of revolutionary economic and banking measures…. It is true that much of this money went into financing the Union’s war effort, but also consider that— both during the Lincoln Presidency and in the years that followed—U.S. railroad mileage went from 45,000 to 157,000, more than in all of Europe. Entire new industries were created. American steel production and modern American agriculture were unique in the world.
American Poverty and Its Solution
A Note To Readers
The quote above from the article, “American Poverty and Its Solution,” highlights the necessary connection between the nation having full control over its financial and credit system in order for it to drive forward real progress in increasing the productive powers of the economy and the labor force. That word “progress” may not be popular with some these days, but it is the word that characterizes the human species, when we are not foolish or stupid. Our concluding excerpt from that article is the last item in this week’s report.
Next week this report will feature excerpts from the newly revised LaRouche PAC pamphlet, “Campaign to Win the Future– A New Paradigm for Mankind: LaRouche’s Four Laws for Economic Recovery”
Here is the link, and I urge you to jump the gun and read it now. For, it is only with this comprehensive understanding presented and the policy package offered, that any significant real economic progress and repair will occur:
In This Week’s Report
The U.S. Drought Monitor begins this week’s report, followed by a report on the symptoms of climate change in California, which unlike most such reports, at least in this article, makes no claim as to the cause of climate change.
Then we focus on the Colorado River System. Articles on the river, the drought in the broader southwest and the threat of serious rationing just a couple of years ahead, are becoming more numerous. Recall that 40 million people depend on the Colorado River today.
Then under the title of “Long-term Thinking? Never Heard of It,” you will find a grab bag of topics that too many in the state have turned into a “tempest in a tea cup.” More water storage, groundwater pumping regulations, the Delta tunnels, those topics and more are presented for your reading pleasure, or, if you would rather, to ignore.
Fire season in the state is now year-round– it never really ends. But, of course, some parts of the year are more intense than others, and it is that time of the year once again. So, the first articles on preparations are now appearing.
Finally, under “News Items” we recall the 12,000 Chinese that helped to construct the world’s first transcontinental railroad, completed in 1869. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it was built right here in the U.S. Of course, those Chinese workers were mostly laborers on the Abraham Lincoln initiated great project. Today, once again the Chinese are building railroads. This time high-speed railroads all over the world, with more than 25,000 km already completed and running inside China itself. One westerner reports on his experience on China’s railroads and compares that accomplishment to what the U.S. actually has not done.