Since 1971, and escalating dramatically after 1987, we have witnessed the widespread destruction of America’s economic capabilities. The magnificent scientific/industrial engine which served the nation—beginning really from 1936-38, through to 1971 is no more. America is primarily a formerly industrialized nation, and the impact of that policy of deindustrialization—driven by financial policies originating in the City of London— has been catastrophic. Today, it is the American people who need rescuing. The economic destruction of America has produced devastating effects on the livelihoods and physical existence of the nation’s citizens, but far greater damage has been done to souls of Americans. Where optimism vanishes and despair flourishes, civilization itself is in jeopardy. This defines the mission of our times.
From “American Poverty and Its Solution”
Executive Intelligence Review
April 27, 2018
A Note To Readers
Since there is a dearth of news this week on the weather and water, infrastructure and the economy make up the up the bulk of this week’s report.
The excerpt above from the report in last week’s issue of Executive Intelligence Review introduces our Feature this week of extended excerpts from that article. A link to the full article is provided and I urge everyone to read it.
There will be no great building of infrastructure in the nation unless the policy outlined in that article becomes the law of the land. In the section titled, “It’s the Economy, Stupid,” the introduction reads:
President Trump’s trillion dollar infrastructure intent has hit a brick wall. That wall is the ideological stupidity of most of the members of Congress. Led by the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the Republicans, according to Ryan, will provide no money for the President’s infrastructure program unless that money comes from cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Aside from the fact that both of those programs have nothing to do with the Federal budget as they are self-funded programs financed by employees and employers, more fundamentally, these fools are so self-blinded by their anti-government ideology that they will accept the continued destruction of the real economy and the lives of millions of Americans.
This Week’s Report
It is the month of May in California, and everywhere else, I guess, and that usually means very boring weather in this state. That usual is the assessment thus far.
The U.S. Drought Monitor reports that the state’s drought condition have very slightly intensified over this past week.
The Oroville Dam Update this week is limited to a new video on the continuing construction on the spillways.
The tunnels under the Delta, while moving forward on the financing as we have seen over the past few weeks as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California went all in and is funding two-thirds of the estimated $18 billion cost, has many hurdles and other steps to accomplish before any construction can actually begin.
The Poseidon desalination plant at Huntington Beach, essentially a twin of the Poseidon plant at Carlsbad, is moving forward toward final approval, though the beginning of construction is still undetermined. The plant will produce 56,000 acre feet of water annually, enough water for about 450,000 people.
While the nation is literally dying, with life expectancy for the American people having fallen for the last two years (something that has never occurred previously in U.S. history), the Congress not only is fiddling around, but has no intention of even funding the President’s infrastructure initiative, as limited as it is. A series of items highlight this under the title, “Its the Economy, Stupid.”
That section is followed by one that highlights the better direction that is possible.
The Feature this week is part I of three parts of excerpts from a new article from Executive Intelligence Review, “American Poverty and Its Solution.”