California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 29, 2018

California Water and Infrastructure Report for March 29, 2018

“Unleash to the greatest extent the huge potential of science and technology as the primary productive force … and development supported by science and technology and oriented towards the future, and speed up the pace of building an innovative country.”

                                                    President Xi Jinping– June 9, 2014

A Note To Readers

The quotation above from President Xi Jinping summarizes what is missing in the economic and infrastructure policy of President Trump. His intent is clear: We must build and rebuild the nation as an industrial economy based on the most advanced science and technological frontiers, thus not only driving the entire economy to a new platform of productivity and creating a labor-force of skilled and creative people, but also to participate in the tremendous developments led by China’s Belt and Road Initiative. That the President has not yet been able to articulate such a mission to the American people is a task the American people must help him to do.

The problem: Most of the American people today have never experienced a moment when our nation was unified to accomplish a great mission. It has been 48 years since the last of the Apollo Project landings of human beings on the Moon took place. Instead, with no national mission to orient people to reality, and an economy that has become little more than a Wall Street gambling casino immersed in a degenerate culture, the politics of the nation has become little more than a list of single issues defined by ideologues and other mentally handicapped people.

The American people may be angry, but it is usually misdirected. “He did it; no they did it; I hate liberals; I hate conservatives.” And on it goes.

It is time to be clear at what must be done. A national mission led by the science-drivers of fusion power and space exploration. Get that moving and all else becomes possible. Did you know that the abortion called the budget passed by Congress, despite itself, includes increased funding for both. See the item in the “News Briefs” near the end of this report.

Now a little quiz. Can you name the president who made the following statements? The answers are at the bottom of the last page of this report:

1) “We need to make a real breakthrough…. We will be creating new jobs and increasing the effectiveness of our economy, increasing the real income of our citizens, reducing poverty, developing infrastructure and the social sphere, education and healthcare, addressing environmental and housing problems, and we will continue to renovate and revamp small cities and villages. All of this should be based on a powerful technological breakthrough, which is yet to be made.”

“It is high time we take a number of tough decisions that are long overdue. We need to get rid of anything that stands in the way of our development and prevents people from fully unleashing their potential. It is our obligation to focus all resources and summon all our strength and willpower in this daring effort that must yield results.

2) “First: Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable–that mankind is doomed–that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.”

“We need not accept that view. Our problems are manmade–therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings….”

3) “Over the course of these discussions, I’ve become more and more deeply convinced that the human spirit must be capable of rising above dealing with other nations and human beings by threatening their existence. Feeling this way, I believe we must thoroughly examine every opportunity for reducing tensions and for introducing greater stability into the strategic calculus on both sides….”

4) “We need a missile defense shield. And if we don’t have one and if we don’t start developing — and now, you know, people used to criticize Reagan. The fact is, now it’s very developable. And we need a shield.”

In This Week’s Report

Taking advantage of very little of importance occurring this past week in the arena of water, much of this report focuses on infrastructure, including some material that develops the more fundamental ideas and principles defining physical economy and the role of infrastructure in a healthy economy.

Otherwise, we do have the following:

Despite two weeks of serious storms, the snowpack still is not near the average for this time of the year, and little or none shall be expected for the rest of the year.

So, guess what? The drought is on.

Mexico has just broke ground on a new desalination plant in Baha California that will produce twice the amount of water that the Carlsbad does.

The section title Great Projects features a report entitled: “China’s High-Speed Rail vs California’s.”

That is followed by “news items” on the economy and infrastructure.

The Feature this week are excerpts from a 2001 article by Lyndon LaRouche: “THE SCIENCE-DRIVER PRINCIPLE IN ECONOMICS: The Gravity of Economic Intentions

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