First it was Tony Blair’s “dodgy dossier” on Saddam Hussein’s WMD which unleashed the pathetic George W. Bush to turn the entire Mideast (with help from Obama) into a terrorist hell hole. Then came claims of Bashir Assad’s use of chemical weapons, tricking Trump into a missile attack on a Syrian airbase. Then came British Intelligence operative Christopher Steele’s own “dodgy dossier,” launching a regime- change effort against the government of the United States based on fairy tales about Trump and Russia. Now, Prime Minister Theresa May, typically without evidence, declares there is “no alternative conclusion” but that the “Russian state” is responsible for the nerve agent attack in the London district of Salisbury, “an unlawful use of force against the United Kingdom.” We must all unite against the evil Russians, May and her controllers are screaming.
It is all self-evidently nonsense, but there is desperation in the British Empire. For fifty years Lyndon LaRouche has documented the British Empire’s historic hatred of the United States, and the systematic takeover of U.S. government policy through Wall Street and other assets following the death of FDR and the assassination of JFK. Few listened. “The British Empire is dead,” we’d often hear, followed by the insistence that the only empire today is the Russian Empire, or the American Empire, depending on which of the British Empire’s controlled environments one chose to inhabit.
A Note To Readers
Distraction, distraction, distraction. When you are losing the game, or the war, distract everyone; lie your head off; blame the other guy. Anything but to admit you are finished. I’ll say no more on the quote above now.
We need a team in the White House that is determined to move the country forward, and the way that must be done is building infrastructure. Not filling a few pot holes or patching a dam or two, but the federal government must create a national credit institution (an Infrastructure Bank, or whatever name you want) and unleash $2-3 trillion per year into space, fusion power, high-speed rail, nuclear power and great projects like the North American Water and Power Alliance.
That will unify the nation and then all the distractions can be shoved back into the Hell they came from.
In This Week’s Report
Water, water, water– that is the general focus of these reports. So, the first section below is about the developing California drought, some precipitation in March, the snowpack and the broader drought in the greater Southwest part of the nation. The first section concludes with some California climatic history.
As I mentioned the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) above, this week begins a section on Great Projects. And NAWAPA is the focus this time.
The Oroville Dam Update includes a couple of videos and some reports on the Department of Water Resources response to the independent commission’s report which found one hell of a lot of problems both in the original work on the dam and the practices of the DWR. This section also has an item on the comparison of the collapse of Saint Francis Dam on March 12, 1828 and the disintegration of the Oroville Dam spillways.
Under the title, “More Contributions to the Debate on Water Storage” we continue the coverage of the obnoxious commission’s work that is suppose to use the 2014 referendum money to build water storage, but can’t seem to get it through their heads what the term “build water storage” means.
This week, like last week, we have an example of water officials actually looking 50 years ahead. Arizona water officials announced that 40 years from now they will be pumping water from a very deep and very big aquifer and desalinating it.
Guess what? We are beginning to see the emergence of “Trump Democrats.” Sounds good. They are pro-nuclear, anti-Pelosi, are sane on environmental questions, and like real infrastructure. See the report below.
This week’s report concludes with some “odds and ends.” One of them is the report that for the second year in a row U.S. life expectancy has fallen. Those 20-40 are dying young; many are opioid overdoses. That is one thing you are to be distracted from. Another report today is that a pedestrian bridge under construction collapsed just days after crews had dropped an elevated 950-ton span in place in a project that was intended to give Florida International University students a safe route across the busy roadway. The bridge gave way suddenly while the traffic light for motorists on Tamiami Trail was red, so the concrete span fell on top of a row of stopped vehicles. At least six people are dead. I don’t think President Putin or the Russians had anything to do with either.