California Water and Infrastructure Report For August 8, 2024

California Water and Infrastructure Report For August 8, 2024

(With expanded coverage of all the Western States)

by Patrick Ruckert

A Note to Readers

This week’s Feature is a 41 minute video of a discussion held last Saturday broadcast by Promethean Action. The content will provide you with insight into how Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s policy of making the U.S. once again an industrial superpower must begin. The link can be found on page 8.

Otherwise, this week’s report begins with the current U.S. Drought Monitor map of California’s slowly spreading and intensifying drought.

With heat waves in the state repeatedly breaking local temperatures this summer, one consequence is an increase, especially in the Central Valley, of wells going dry.

What follows is a section titled, “Conflict Over Water Never Ends, and Will Do So Only When the State Water Board Ends Its ‘Only Conservation’ Policy.” The section begins with an article that reports on the attempt to manipulate the available water that naturally flows in the state by punishing farmers and favoring fish that the Bureau of Reclamation is proposing for the state and federal projects that cities and farmers depend upon.

That is followed by a section titled, “Water Abundance in California Does Not Have to Be a Thing of the Past.” The article describes a new, 20-page plus study, “Achieving Water Abundance: A New Approach Based on Positive, Common Sense Ideasby Edward Ring and Steve Hilton.

Regular readers of this report will recognize the name Edward Ring, whom I think is the best writer in the state on the topics of water and energy.

An update on the Post fire in northern California, which is now the fourth largest in the state’s history concludes our news reports this week.

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